Aspen Fields


Aspen Field
Aspen Field

Sized 16×20 matted print (black matt)

Please allow 5-7 for processing order of matted prints.

1 in stock (can be backordered)


Wanting to get back with nature but didn’t want to drive too far or deal with crowded State Parks I remembered a wildlife management area just north of Saint Paul.  Twenty years ago, while working in corporate America I was able to walk these grounds at my lunch.  I knew that I could photograph this area using my infrared camera.  While heading down to the small lake, I noticed this clump of trees with the tall prairie grass in the foreground.  I wanted to capture the black knots on the trees and the wispy grasses.

Additional information

Size- Simple black matt

5×7 print, 8×10 print, 11×14 print