War or Peace?



Thursday, September 15, 2022, to Saturday, December 31, 2022

Artists illustrate their creative thoughts on the subject of War

or Peace. Their talents are showcased to help raise funds for

Youth for Human Rights, Washington, D.C. Chapter.

3D Virtual gallery below:


online catalog of selected works links below


My image selected is Refugee Trees- Story unedited

The Trees are walking away from the forest they’ve only known, fleeing invasive species that are killing them. Like refugees wandering into the unknown seeking safe grounds to flourish.   I dedicate this picture to all the refugees worldwide who have endured this journey’s pain.  I’ve donated money to humanitarian aides but still feel helpless as I watch this war unfold on Tv in my safe home.  I will pay higher gas prices and bite my tongue as this is a small price for what Putin is doing to Ukraine and the world.    I will cut back on other areas, like dining out, and buying unnecessary “stuff” and put that money towards Humanitarian Aid to help the people of Ukraine.   I write that because I saw a Ukrainian woman on the news say to the world, “appreciate the little things in life like seeing blue skies and breathing fresh air.”  I do appreciate the little things in life and do this also in honor of her request, as I have a roof over my head and food in my fridge and for that I’m grateful. My advice to you, the next time you bitch about inflation for the cost of food and gas think of Ukraine and what they are going through, and SHUT UP!   

Refugee Trees
Refugee Trees

The Phipps Center for the Arts


The Enriching Arts Program

Location: Westfields Hospital & Clinic

in the Rotunda to Admin Hallway

Date: September 29th through December 20, 2022.

Phipps website


The hospital website is below:


My exhibition will be a combination of my collections Spirit of the land meets Sanctuary of the Soul. 

” Spirit of the Land” documented in infrared black and white photography.  They portray an otherworldly, surreal, almost dreamlike state that feels three-dimensional.  These images are matted and framed in simple black, and they blend nicely with my award-winning Photozaics from “Sanctuary from the soul “collection.  The inspiration came from Van Gogh’s textures meet Ansel Adam’s simplicity near the intersection of Bob Ross’ healing vibes. This technique is a labor-intensive multi step process and starts out with my journey into nature; recording the landscapes that I spark my eye may it be rolling hills, a babbling brook.  After modifying the composition, I take the print and head to the stained-glass shop to find matching colors.  I cut the glass by hand taking smaller shards, and placing them in a rock tumbler to remove sharp edges while larger pieces are sanded by hand and assemble the frame.  Grouting finishes the artwork allowing the detail of each cut glass shape adding the texture to my art.

Just a few examples you will see at this exhbition

Small Stones Festival of the Arts


The Festival will once again be held at locations around the newly renovated Grafton Common including the Great Hall, Apple Tree Arts at One Grafton Common, the Grafton Public Library at 35 Grafton Common, and the Grafton Congregational church at 30 Grafton Common.

Dates: October 14th through October 23rd

Location: One Grafton Common, Grafton, MA.

Wishes or Weeds?
Wishes or Weeds?

Wishes or Weeds? Matted in black with simple satin black metal frame 16x20x1

Wishes or Weeds?

This image reminded me of my childhood and every time I saw a Dandelion, I would pick it and make a wish.  So, in this image, I see wishes and choose to hold on to my innocent belief that they are not weeds but wishes delivered to the Universe via a simple breeze.  Next time you see a Dandelion, stop, pick it, and make your wish! Only true believers will see their wishes materialize!  Today I wish for peace and equality for all.

Gallery owners and art collectors I will be in Massachusetts from October 9th through 29th if you would like to see samples of my work, I will have some with me.   Some samples will be from both collections Spirit of the land Infrared images and Sanctuary for the soul photozaics.

Griffin Museum presents- Vantage Point Exhibition


Dates: June 21st- September 12th, 2022

Downtown Boston’s Lafayette City Center, MA

Online: https://griffinmuseum.org/show/vantage-point-the-view-from-here/

16×20 metal Frame only- Crissy Beach Digital infrared bnw photograph

Price $499.00

Crissy Beach

Sometimes you just need to surrender to the scene and get pulled into the wonders it has to offer your senses.  That is what happened to me when I came upon this boardwalk while walking the beaches in San Francisco’s Marina District.  The boardwalk pulls me to the water and my eyes circle around the remnants of old docks, Sausalito, and Alcatraz off in the distance.  I can still smell the salty sea air and hear the foghorn sounding off warning ships of the bridge when I look at this photo.

Crissy Beach
Crissy Beach
Crissy Beach framed with satin black metal frame- anti-reflective Plexi glass with acid-free matting.

First Thursday


Solar Arts Building located on 2nd floor in the Fox Den

Solar Arts Building

711 15th Ave NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413

Date: April 7th, 2022

Time: 5 pm to 9 pm


Come check out my hybrid exhibition One last road trip leads to Sanctuary for the Soul. This Exhibition is a mix of my Photozaics framed art offered in color and infrared photographs images with a sprinkle of my black n white Infrared photos matted in black with simple black framing.

 As we approach 1 million deaths from Covid in our country, we are all challenged with finding ways to process our grief. In 2019 I lost my father and decided to take his ashes on one last road trip.  Or, at least, that was my plan, but I then decided to include him in every trip I’ve taken since.  The photographs I am taking are my way of thanking him for giving me my eye for photography. Going on these road trips is a memorial to him in appreciation of the ever-changing landscapes.   I went out into the world with an open but broken, heart looking to find peace in Mother Nature’s arms.  I’ve found her to be a great place to recharge my soul in the past. 

The viewer will be surrounded by nature photos with mosaics that will open them up to another plane of consciousness. The addition of mosaic frames will awaken your curiosity about what lies beyond the frame.  Each viewer will have a different experience.  This exhibition is a place for visitors to recharge their souls from daily stresses, sparking their senses and curiosity.   As I create my photozaics I often lose myself in the process.  The viewers of my work also find the details of the mosaic will draw them into the photo where they will find a sanctuary for their soul.   I truly believe art heals the mind, body, and soul.  The Norwegian University of Science and Technology discovered a definite correlation between participating in cultural activities, i.e. creating art, visiting art galleries, and attending concerts with increased rates of good health.

just a few samples of what I will have on exhibit.

Art of Beauty Exhibition


Exhibition dates: April 8th through May 4, 2022


MVA Gallery

35 E. Elizabeth Avenue

Suite 35

Bethlehem, PA 18018

Accepted works of Art are Pine Edged Road and Golden Gate Bridge photozaics

Pine Edged Road
Sized medium PER20x17x12021-1

Sometimes the path in life is not clearly defined.  The only thing you can do is to breathe deeply, put your faith in the universe, and take the first step.  Life’s road will have curves, enjoy them as they will bring you to wonderful places if you surrender.  Road trips allow my mind to wander and absorb what Mother Nature shows me.  I especially love watching the landscape change from mountains to desert; from city to Rolling country farms; brightly colored flowers to drab gray foggy scenes.  All of these are gifts from her, so give thanks.  Get out in nature and recharge your soul!

Golden Gate Bridge

I headed to San Francisco for an art show and decided to give myself a few extras days to explore this great City by the Bay. As the fog lifted, I snapped photos of the various areas in the Marina District.  When the fog burnt off, I walked the area again up a long hill to capture this photograph.  Nature really makes all these colors work together.

2022 Photospiva- Exhibition


Pallet Mountain was picked from a field 890 of images by 144 photographers, only 96 images were selected.

Spiva Center for Arts

222 W. Third Street

Joplin, MO 641801

Exhibition Dates: March 19th through May 14th, 2022

Pallet Mountain- IMAGE

My soul was itching to get out and wonder; but instead of looking to the natural landscape, a nudge from the universe to photograph industrial landscapes.  I Waited to bring attention to human consumption and waste of our natural resources.  What is man trying to do here?  Create a mountain for the gods of trash?  Paying respect to Mother Nature trying to recycle what was taken from her?  What do you see? 

Pallet Mountain
Pallet Mountain

2nd Annual artist member showcase


Praxis Gallery

Exhibition dates: February 19th through March 5th, 2022

Location: 2637 27th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55406


Seeds Planted
Seeds Planted

Road trips recharge my soul and fuel my creativity.  On this road trip, I headed to Sleepy Eye, MN where they have the nicest owners of Sleepy Eye stain glass shop.  The drive takes a few hours to get there, and I enjoy taking the single-lane county highways.  The landscape is dotted with farmhouses, newly planted crops, gently rolling hills, small creeks with forest groves.  I was blessed with Bob Ross kind of clouds, Horses greeting me to say good morning. 

This scene captivated my eyes as the hint of lime green sprouts just breaking the jet-black soil accompanied the Seeds Mother Nature planted earlier in the Spring.



Location: Pier 36   299 South Street, New York, NY 10002 

Dates: October 28th – 31st

Booth S400- NY Center 4 photography


About Danger:


I found this sign walking along Mississippi River Road in Saint Paul; I found this sign warning me of the appending Danger of the cliff’s edge.  This sign defines Covid-19 and Civil unrest and now attacks Women’s right to choose.  We are entering dangerous times and need to stand up for all Equality. 

Preview of Booth S400 NYC4photography