New Studio News flash!


It’s official, I have studio space at Solar Arts Building, 2nd-floor #205.  I share this space with fabulous painters, and I just love the art community here at Solar. If you want to learn more about events at Solar, please follow them on Instagram or check out the events section on the website.

Next Event Purple Rain Open Studio June’s 1st Thursday, 2nd floor studios will be open and I will be in attendance, so stop by and say hi and check out my new digs.

Guess what time it is…. That’s right!  Art-a-Whirl!


Just two weeks away.

I’m blessed to announce I’m officially renting studio space at Solar Arts Building, second-floor studio #205.  I share this space with 3 other artists, and I am happy to have a home here at Solar! 

Details on AAW

Solar arts building:

Dates: May 17th– through 19th.

I will also have a piece or two in Fox Den – under Art to change the world.


This year I’m participating in Passports on Parade this weekend too! Check out the website for more details and how to get your passport- there is a limited amount so do not hesitate.

I call it a scavenger hunt for artists’ stamps in the passport.  Why do this?  Opportunities to learn about the artist and their visions, see great art, and win $500.00 credit to spend on ACW artwork!  I know, AWESOME!

Side note:

My stamp is CheeBah approved!  Who doesn’t love a Corgi?? 

Below are some samples you will see this weekend.

Evolution of Fallen Birch


I’m sharing two works of the same photograph; one completed earlier in my art career and the other is my latest creation.  I love to look back and see how I’ve grown as an artist.  Here you see Fallen Birch in formal (matted and glassed) and commando (metal print matless) photozaics. 

This is one of my last images I was able to photograph with my dad and it holds a special place in my heart I think of him and the day we spent on their lake taking in nature’s beauty.

CheeBah is admiring and finds Fallen Birch Tasty!!

 Dragonflies commando photozaic- New artwork


Dragonflies commando photozaic making its world Debut!  The lovely shades of green blades of grasses offers up a calming backdrop to glimmering wings gently airing out onto the frame.  So much movement, chunky texture, and calming vibes with this one!  If you love it buy it; as this one will sell quickly! Yes, CheeBah approves of this one too.
